Distance Consultations

Can't make it to my treatment space? I can still provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations for you. I provide recommendations for supplements, crystals to be worn on the body or brought into one’s space, essential oils and how to use them, and recommendations for colour therapy and how to use it.


How the process works

  • Simply fill in your details below and I will send you the questionnaire by email.
  • Then hit reply, fill it in and send it back to me (all information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone).
  • Send your payment by email transfer. (Contact me with any questions about setting it up).
  • I will review your questionnaire within 3 days of receiving it with your payment and provide you with my solutions and recommendations.
  • 10 days after the first consultation, I will follow up with you to see how you are doing and to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. 
  • Two weeks later, I will follow up with you again to see how things are going. 
  • If you would like to, Facetime or Skype sessions can be arranged.

Fees and terms

  • $249 for 1 month.
  • Payment must be made by email transfer when completed questionnaire is returned to me to initiate the consulting.
  • An additional month of assistance can be purchased for $149. This includes 1 email, Skype or Facetime session per week.
  • If you feel that you only need one or two consultations, the first consultation is $130, 2nd=$70, 3rd=$49. Payment must be made by email transfer at the latest 24hours before scheduled consultation.
  • Distance Reiki can be requested at an additional cost.

Please note: Distance services may not be covered by your insurance company because there is no in-person visit to a clinic (ACNN rules) . Check with your provider to confirm. Earth Spirit Wellness receipts can be provided if requested.